Read our FAQs and contact us if you have any further inquiries!



Yes! It’s an 8-10 minute walk from the docks! No need to worry about getting back in time for other activities onboard your ship. Just make sure you book your class at a time that ends
an hour or more before your ship’s return time.

We are supportive no matter how far you get. If it’s just putting on a belt and climbing up the ladder part of the way, that’s an accomplishment! We are here to cheer you on. If you really don’t want to go up, watching others have a go is a lot of fun as well!

For your safety, we don’t allow drinking before engaging in any activity at Gold Rush Trapeze. We reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone who appears to be intoxicated.

Yes, please call or write to us and we can make it happen, or feel free to book every spot for the time you would like your private session! *Full buyouts are final sale and nonrefundable.

Absolutely. Most people who try flying trapeze are beginners. We do accept locals and walk-ins, but we recommend booking beforehand to guarantee your spot in the class!

It could rain, so we recommend bringing a rain layer similar to golf rain layers. If the weather is severe enough that class must be canceled, you will be offered a full refund or an alternative class.

You may wear long or short sleeves and the same for pants.

We expect participants to observe mature common-sense rules of gathering: if you have upper respiratory symptoms, you wear a tight-fitting mask or decline to participate.


About Flying Trapeze Specifically

There is a ground lesson taught by our expert trapeze instructors, then we will get everyone in the air. Each participant will have a few turns and learn to swing and maybe even flip!

We can fly anyone from ages 5 and up! 200lbs is the standard ladder limit. If you are over by a few lbs, talk to us about it and we’ll see if we can work something out.

It is not advisable for expectant mothers to fly. If you have a medical condition that might preclude participation, please contact us in advance and we can help you make a decision.

Yes, flying trapeze is always done with a huge soft net. (If you’ve seen it without a net in the movies, that’s movie magic!)

Yes. All participants will be in an ascender while climbing the ladder and in a safety harness that is especially constructed for flying trapeze. We work with the highest level of instructors who have many years of training specifically in teaching recreational flying trapeze.

Absolutely. Most people who try flying trapeze are beginners.

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